+7 (8652) 35-22-92, 2161
Mon-Fri: 9:00-18:00, Break: 13:00-14:00Letter of the Chairman of the region to business partners, government representatives, stakeholders
Dear investors, partners and colleagues! Today one of the major challenges facing the region is the development and implementation of a common policy in the formation of a favorable investment environment. This is especially true in light of the current economic situation.
Investment letter - a document which allows all participants of the investment process to come to a common understanding of this policy. It is addressed to our current and potential partners, public authorities and local government Stavropol, to all interested persons.
Business is waiting for a clear signal
The site of one of the leading newspapers of the country is a unique opportunity to address the thousands of readers and present approaches to the implementation of the investment policy in the region in the near future, to identify the main vectors of economic development of the Stavropol Territory, approaches to improve the business climate.
This requires time itself. Business expects from the authorities a clear and clear signal that we intend to do as soon as possible to save the reputation of the Stavropol one of the most investment-attractive territories of the Russian Federation.
To overcome the unfavorable economic situation, go to a stable growth path is possible only through trust partnership of government and business. A common understanding of the strategic challenges that confront us with the modern realities and mutual interests accounting. Therefore, the focus of Stavropol management are issues related to improving the investment climate, stimulating innovation activity, the diversification of the regional economy, assistance to investors, improving the quality of state and municipal management, reduction of administrative barriers and more.
To do this, the system has already made a number of steps. In 2014, the investment strategy adopted by the Stavropol Territory, calculated up to 2020, which is the basic document for the work on attraction of investments into economy of the region. as part of the Strategy, our region has already reached the target indicators on the majority of indicators, to complete the task.
Today, in order to stimulate development of the investment, we offer large, medium, small businesses are a set of measures to promote. in particular, it is subsidies, tax exemptions, government guarantees of the Stavropol Territory, the rents benefits.
For the purpose of consistent support for the most important sectors of the economy, developed priorities for investment development of the region, calculated on a five-year term. Regional solutions also adopted regulating the procedure of the regulatory impact assessment adopted and accepted regulations, affecting the business.
In the Stavropol region it operates a special body - the Coordinating Council for the development of investment activity. Created and successfully operates a specialized organization of Investor - State Unitary Enterprise "Development Corporation of the Stavropol Territory". Thus, it created favorable conditions for attracting investments.
This work gives results. Confirmation of this - the positive dynamics of Stavropol economy, which remains positive indexes on key sectors, even in today's environment. So, it was 107.2%, the volume of agricultural production for the first ten months of this year industrial production index in the province - 102.3%.
Challenge - an incentive to search for new opportunities
Nevertheless, one can not ignore the negative trends that emerged under the influence of global factors. It is difficult to attract funds for investment, the slowdown in industrial production growth. Today we are faced with the weakening of the ruble, sanctions restrictions.
I believe that these challenges and stress - a stimulus to search for new opportunities. They offer us the traditional point of regional economy support.
Stavropol - one of the largest agricultural regions of the country with favorable conditions for development of agro-industrial complex. Edge has a high resource potential of agrarian and industrial complex.
at present there is a significant increase in investor interest in the implementation of investment projects on the territory of the region, involving the construction of modern greenhouse complexes, the development of crop production, fruit and vegetable and other products, which creates an alternative to the export of the domestic market.
Taking into account the objectives set by the Head of State to increase production of agricultural products to fully meet the Russian market in 2020, today the obvious priorities for the growth of agribusiness Stavropol. It is the creation of new agricultural production, the introduction of modern technology and equipment, the establishment of enterprises complete production cycle, including production, storage and deep processing of products.
It remains high and the industrial potential of the region. For a variety of high-tech industries - from petrochemicals to Instrumentation - Stavropol companies now occupy a niche not only the volume in the domestic but also in the global market. They need to develop, and with them must appear new modern and competitive production.
To achieve this, regional authorities will use all available mechanisms - including those supported by public funding. everything that is connected with attraction of investments - are priority protected budget items that are not subject to revision. And even in times of economic difficulties, we do not plan to reduce the fiscal stimulus for investors.
Business partners edge could not help but notice that in recent years we have consistently increased the amount of tax benefits provided by introducing new forms of state support of investment projects. among these instruments to provide tax benefits to subjects of investment activity, including the tax on profits of the enterprise within the framework of investment agreements, or as a resident of the regional industrial parks.
The cost of investment projects implemented in the framework of regparkov, is more than 64 billion rubles, and involves the creation of about five thousand jobs. It has now been created 602 jobs. Concluded nine agreements, providing for the implementation of investment projects worth more than 23 billion rubles, and involves the creation of more than a thousand jobs.
Investors - comfortable
Budget stimulation of investment activity - an important area of cooperation between the state and investors. However, it is not fundamental in the decision to invest in the region. we focus on creation of favorable conditions for business.
Over the past few months, the economic situation has changed dramatically. That is why, now more than ever it is important to improve the quality of support of investors at all levels - federal, regional and municipal. One of the most important areas in this activity is the reduction of administrative barriers, simplification of licensing procedures and bureaucratic. This is largely us help the Agency's strategic initiatives and best practices.
It is worth looking at the results of the National rating of the state of the investment climate in the Russian Federation. in 2015. The values of the indicators
Stavropol Territory in comparison with the year 2014 increased from three of the four indicators. As a general integral index region, significantly improving its position, he switched from V to IV rating group.
Here are a few examples of what we managed to do this in less than a year. Firstly, it was possible to make substantial progress in reducing the timing of receipt of permits for construction. According to the results of the pilot testing of the National rating of investment climate in the state, in Stavropol Territory in 2014, these procedures took, on average, 236 days. 2015 - uzhena72dnyamensheili 164 days. Our goal is to reduce the value of this indicator up to 100 days.
secondly, the collection of best practices on the basis of the National rating of 2015 included two successful practices of the Stavropol Territory on the average time of registration of the property rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the real estate and topographic surveys.
Thirdly, in order to organize the work to create a favorable investment climate, in Stavropol was introduced standard of local government municipalities. It consists of 12 items, the observance of which contributes to the increase of investment attractiveness of the territories, reducing administrative barriers on the ground, creating the most favorable conditions for investors.
For example, one of the points of the municipal standard directs local authorities to take on all the costs when you make a lease of land intended for the implementation of priority investment projects in their territory.
The expansion of freedom - the best response to the limit
Currently, in the Stavropol region is formed "Project Office", responsible for the implementation of best practices, and prepared a "road map", aimed at creating a favorable investment environment. I ask all those involved in the region in solving the problems in this area as much as possible to take responsibility for their work, because of the outcome depends largely on improving the investment climate. And the main indicator of success for us - Business satisfaction!
Also, the authorities of Stavropol instructed to analyze the boundary and regulatory instruments in order to avoid excessive requirements for businesses. Naturally, we are waiting for the same from the local government.
Today, we are working and looking for new ways of development in a very difficult situation. To succeed, we have to act outside the box. And we will do everything we can to investors, who are already conducting business in our region or in the future decide to develop your business in the Stavropol region, the best conditions were created.
Further expansion of freedom for business - the best answer to all the external challenges and constraints. I hope that each of us make every effort to maximize this thesis was realized in life. To business partners of our region on a daily basis we have seen evidence that we are ready to cooperate.