+7 (8652) 35-22-92, 2161
Mon-Fri: 9:00-18:00, Break: 13:00-14:00Main>Sectors of the economy>TOURISM AND RESORTS>TYPES OF TOURISM>Ethno-Tourism>Tourist-Excursion Ethnographic Center COSSACK HOUSEHOLD
Location – Stavropol Krai, Predgorny Rayon, Village of Borgustanskaya.
Brief introduction – an old Cossack household in the Village of Borgustanskaya, Predgorny Rayon, to learn more about the culture and traditions of Tersk Cossacks.
Here you will be greeted by a folk group Volnaya Kazachka (Free Cossack) that will invite everyone to join the specially designed costume events – Cossack Fair; Old Tell-Tales; Meetings Cossacks Returning Home; Initiation Into Cossacks, which reflect the oldest traditions at the same time introducing tourists into Cossack music, culture, and life.
A Cossack's wedding is another old tradition which is decorated here with a "Bride" and a "Groom", guests, and funny songs and rituals.
Those willing to see how pots are made of clay by true masters of this job can attend a special master-class, after which the most courageous ones are welcome to try their hands.
And if you visit a Cossack household there will be a beautiful hostess giving you a warmest smile and telling you about the typical daily routines, after which you will be able to try tea sitting an ancient samovar and, of course, listen to nice Cossacks songs. The costume shows have no audience just like there are no actors – everyone is welcome and can plunge into the atmosphere of this nice Cossack life.