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Regulations for the establishment of a regional Park

The procedure for the establishment of regional industrial and tourist-recreational Park in the territory of the Stavropol territory
1. Application business entity to a managing organization (state unitary enterprise of the Stavropol territory "Management company of investment and innovative development of the Stavropol territory" and the submission of relevant documents

The application must contain:
1. The rationale for the creation of regional industrial Park with indication of its areas of specialization.

2. Technical and economic conditions for the creation of the industrial Park.

3. The socio-economic situation of the municipal(s) education(s) Stavropol territory, in the territory(ies) which is(s) creation of the industrial Park.

4. A list of potential residents of the industrial Park, their brief description, as well as activities.

5. Information about municipal labor resources(s) education(s) Stavropol territory, in the territory(ies) which is(s) creation of the industrial Park, and the possibility of their involvement.

6. Calculations of anticipated costs the Federal budget, the budget of the Stavropol Krai budget(s) County(s) education(s)

Stavropol territory, in the territory(ies) which is(s) creation of the industrial Park, and extra-budgetary resources associated with the creation and operation of industrial Park.

7. Information about the land and the land proposed for the establishment of the industrial Park.

8. The list of objects of engineering, transport, social and other infrastructures, the construction of which is expected in the framework of creation of the industrial Park.

9. The indicative total quantities of electricity, thermal energy and energy resources, the consumption of which is expected on the infrastructure of the industrial Park.

10. Indicative figures on the total volumes of communications and information of load consumption which is based on the infrastructure of the industrial Park.

11. Financial and economic substantiation of the creation of objects of transport, social and engineering infrastructure of the industrial Park and the timing of the creation of these objects. )

To consider establishing an industrial Park or torpark entities is sent to a management entity, the following documents:
the application in the form approved by authorized body;

the expected areas of specialization of the industrial Park or torpark;

perspective plan of development of industrial Park or torpark, including the local plan, development and appropriate material and technical equipment of an industrial Park or Tabarca and surrounding areas.

Consideration of the application management organization
The issuance of the administering organization a positive conclusion about the possibility of creating a regional Park.
Consideration of the report on the possibility of creating a regional Park and documents the coordination Council for development of investment activity in the Stavropol territory. The adoption of the coordination Committee decision on the establishment of a regional Park.
The agreement on the establishment of the industrial Park or torpark between the Government of the Stavropol region, local authorities of municipal formations of Stavropol Krai on the territory of which it is planned to create an industrial Park or torpark, and the land owners.
The adoption of a legal act of the Government of Stavropol Krai on the establishment of a regional Park.
Regulatory framework:

1. The law of Stavropol territory from December 29, 2009 No. 98-CP "On regional industrial, tourist-recreational and technological parks".

2. Order of the Ministry of economic development of the Stavropol Krai dated 12 February 2010 No. 44/od "About approval of forms of applications for the establishment of regional industrial, tourist-recreational and technological parks in the Stavropol region".

3. The decree of the government of Stavropol territory from February 5, 2010 N 32-p "On the Procedure of making decision on creation of regional industrial, tourist-recreational and technological parks in the Stavropol region".